Welcome to our website!

WHAT we are doing

We are two Viennese state-certified personnel and business consultants and we run a temporary employment agency.

WHAT are our core values

We run our business according to the basic values ​​of professionalism, fairness and loyalty. With our qualified applicants, commitment and potential come first.

WHICH professional groups we specialize in

  1. Quaternary service sector (combining knowledge, management & responsibility) such as IT, Consulting, Technics, Finance, Law
  2. Health and social
  3. Good craftsmen & Skilled Workers

Definition of the quaternary service sector:

The quaternary sector is the label used to describe a knowledge-based part of the economy, which typically includes knowledge-oriented economic sectors such as information technology; media; research and development; information-based services such as information-generation and information-sharing; and knowledge-based services such as consultation, education, financial planning, blogging, and designing.

The quaternary sector is based on pure knowledge and skill of a person. It consists of intellectual industries providing information services, such as computing and ICT (information and communication technologies), consultancy (offering advice to businesses) and R&D (research, particularly in scientific fields). According to some definitions, the quaternary sector includes other pure services, such as the entertainment industry, and the term has been used to describe media, culture, and government.

(https://en.wikipedia.org/, 28th August, 2020)

WHO we are and WHY we do what we do

Birgit Sciborsky

Birgit Sciborsky

A jurist and mediator and has been an HR expert for over 10 years. She lays an emphasis on mutual respect and enjoys bringing people together.

Jürgen Atzlsdorfer

Jürgen Atzlsdorfer

A clinical and health psychologist and has been an HR expert for over 15 years. His specialty is establishing cooperations. He likes it when he can help make teams work.

WHAT our services cost

Our commission is customary in the market and based on qualifications, experience and management responsibility. It is usually calculated on the basis of the full-time gross for a whole year.

The price also depends on the labor market situation, the performance-relation, a deposit, risk-sharing, replacement guarantees.

HOW do we find our candidates and your employees

We find our candidates through direct search (executive search, headhunting), talent pools, databases, recommendations from other applicants and a reliable network – we like collaborations!

Sometimes we also place advertisements, but most of the time we find what we’re looking for on social media and through lots of phone calls and email contacts.

WHAT is our USP?

  • We offer excellent personal support to our clients and our candidates.
  • We work quickly and efficiently.
  • We only focus on long-term occupations.
  • We are on good terms with our applicants.
  • We also offer temporary work.

HOW do you distinguish yourself as our customer?

  • You are looking for good employees.
  • You take care of your employees and are a fair cooperation partner.
  • You want to keep your employees busy in the long term.
  • You know that spending on recruitment agencies is an investment in your company’s future.

HOW should you contact us now?

We look forward to your email or your call.

